Correa 1
C++ library with Python bindings to analyse the shape of simple closed curves in R^2
▼ include | |
▼ Curvature | |
▼ include | |
Curvature.h | This file looks at option to compare two curves based on the curvatures of their vertices. It is based on the paper: K. Crane, U. Pinkall, and P. Schroeder, "Robust fairing via conformal curvature flow", ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol. 32, No. 4 (2013), and on the code SpinXform_OpenGL from Keenan Crane (available at: |
▼ DataStruct | |
▼ include | |
Polygon.h | |
PolygonBuilder.h | |
Types.h | |
Vector.h | |
Vector2D.h | |
Vertex.h | |
▼ InOut | |
▼ include | |
InOut.h | Read and write data |
▼ Metrics | |
▼ include | |
Convex.h | Compute convex hulls |
Ellipse.h | Calculate various ellipse for a polygon |
Frechet.h | This file implements the discrete Frechet distance for comparing two polygonal curves. Implementation based on: Eiter, Thomas; Mannila, Heikki (1994), Computing discrete Fréchet distance, Tech. Report CD-TR 94/64, Christian Doppler Laboratory for Expert Systems, TU Vienna, Austria. LGPL licensing |
▼ OT1 | |
▼ include | |
VectorOps.h | Sets of routine for performing operations on vectors using pthreads |
▼ PH0 | |
▼ include | |
PersistenceDiagram.h | Define classes needed for peristence diagrams, including persistence points |
PH0.h | Functions to compute dimension 0 persistent homology of polygon |
2DShape.h | |
Comp2D.h | |
Comp2DShapes.h | |
Comp2DShapesFocal.h | |
▼ src | |
2DShape.cpp | Extract infromation about a polygon |
Comp2DShapes.cpp | Compare 2 polygons with automatic focal points |
Comp2DShapesFocal.cpp | Compare polygons with specific focal points |